About Us

What is Faith RV Docking About?

Our mission is to connect Christian RVers with churches that offer familiar, overnight parking. Faith RV Docking was founded by passionate RVers Stan, Rick, and Jeff. They have been avid travelers with their wives and families for over 20 years.

We’re also dedicated to using our business for a greater purpose. We donate our net proceeds to support churches, church planting, pastors, missionaries, and Christian camps.

When you become a part of Faith RV Docking, you’re not just supporting a Christian business. You are supporting a mission to advance the gospel and strengthen churches across North America.

Statement of Faith

  • We believe in One God, the creator of heaven and earth, who has revealed Himself through his Son, Jesus Christ, and through the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation and eternal life, and that the Holy Bible is the inspired and infallible word of God.
  • We believe that the local church is the primary means through which God carries out His mission in the world, and that it is our responsibility as followers of Christ to support and strengthen local churches and pastors. We believe in the importance of Christian community and that every individual is called to serve others and to make a positive impact for Christ wherever they go.
  • We believe in the power of prayer, and that through prayer, we can access the fullness of God’s grace and mercy.
  • We believe that our actions should always be guided by the love of Christ, and that we are called to be a light in the darkness, sharing the hope and peace of the Gospel with all we encounter.

As a community of Christian RVers and organizations, we are committed to living out these beliefs and values in all that we do. We seek to provide affordable and accessible short-term parking spaces that enable our members to impact the world for Christ. In all things, we strive to glorify God and to fulfill his purpose in our lives, as we journey together towards our eternal home.


1. How many church properties are included in your network?

We have over 100 host churches in the U.S. and Canada.

2. Do members have to agree to a statement of faith to join Faith RV Docking?

Members do not have to affirm our statement of faith, but we encourage all members to be in agreement with what we believe before they join. Read our Statement of Faith here.

3. Is there a code of conduct for travelers?

Yes. All members must agree to the following guidelines while staying on a church property: https://faithrvdocking.com/courtesy-policy/

4. Are members allowed to stay more than one night?

Our normal procedure is for guests to only stay overnight. If you are open for guests to stay longer, reach out to us, and we will update your church profile description.

5. What if there are days we cannot accommodate travelers?

If you would prefer only certain nights to be open, or if there are special occasions that you cannot accommodate guests, enter this information into your host request form. If you need to make changes throughout the year, contact us, and we will update your church profile description.

6. What kind of churches and ministries do you support?

Faith RV Docking is not directly affiliated with any denominations or organizations. We primarily focus on helping start and strengthen Bible-centered, non-denominational churches and ministries across North America. Under the guidance of Pastor Greg Joyner, who serves as the director of R3 Ministries, our net proceeds are given to like-minded churches and ministries in response to identified needs.

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